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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Accomplishing... something, anyway

It was a good day today. Tired day, but good nonetheless. Had fun with the whole quiz thing, I'll have to blog in a few days and explain everything on it once everyone has had a chance to take it.

Played Runescape for a while... that game is addicting. Once I get going, it's hard to stop. I actually figured out how to find something all by myself! Becky, who introduced me to Runescape, will be so proud. :-)

Did some laundry, worked on the checkbook... had a good talk with Mom Riddell. She's so sweet. We hadn't got to talk in a while so it was nice to visit about some things that needed to be visited about. It's good to have family that you can talk to.

I straightened, dusted, and vacuumed the living room. I love the smell of Citrus Pledge. I also scrubbed the tub out which has wore me out so here I sit waiting for Brad to come home. I'll go start dinner in a little bit.

I'm seriously considering having a yard sale Saturday morning. It doesn't have to be organized, I'll just throw everything in the yard in boxes and slap a price sticker on it and we're good to go. I guess it would be more of a rummage sale that way. Oh well. It would help me get some junk out of the way and get some money out of it instead of having to haul it to Goodwill.

We'll see how long THAT idea lasts.

I think I hear Brad now...

Get on board, little children...

Good luck!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh, and just to let you know...

....Wendy (Page, not the restaurant!) makes the BESTEST fudge pie in the whole entire world! It's the bestest stuff on the face of the WHOLE PLANET!!!!

Thank you. This has been a public service announcement made possible by supporters of Wendy's Fudge Pie.


Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace... and boy do I need it!

Today was a good day. I just lazed around this morning a bit because I felt blah, then did some dishes. Kasey called me to see if I wanted to go to lunch with her! I said that I would LOVE to but I hadn't showered yet and I didn't have a car so she'd have to come and get me. She asked permission from her boss to take an hour lunch so I QUICKLY took a shower, dressed, blow dried my hair, and was ready in the twenty minutes it took her to leave work and come to my house.

We went to Cracker Barrel since Kasey had read Becky's blog and it coerced her into getting french toast. :-) It was a good lunch! It was fun to catch up on things since she's been gone. Thanks Kasey! It's worth not working just to be able to have lunch with you once in a while. We were late leaving because our waitress was a bit slow, but her boss wasn't mad at her, so I hear, thankfully.

When I got home I did a humongous-ical amount of dishes! I was so pleased! I'll be able to wrap it up tomorrow easy. Yessssss, I FINALLY accomplished something around here! Thank you Jesus! Yes, He DOES answer prayer. :-)

The only thing I regret to inform everyone that I've broken the first piece of my ivy Corelle set that was a wedding present from Danielle, my maid of honor, and her family.

Here's the viewing:
(Yes, those are my yucky counters... oh well). My Mama and Daddy had a Corelle set with green daisies on it that was given to them at THEIR wedding, and now after... 28 years? all that remains is one little saucer plate. It's cute. So now has begun the demise of MY set... I wonder if I can make the rest of it last another 25 years? All I can say is that it's a good thing that you can buy individual replacement pieces at Wal-Mart, because as clumsy as I am, we'll have to go to all paper or plastic dinnerware.

It sure would cut back on the amount of dishes I have to wash!

French toast, Pizza, and Fun!

YAY! My blog is back in full force. I really don't know what happened. I couldn't figure out why it only wanted to show my yellow star background and nothing else. Nothing was messed up in the template code. So I copied and pasted my whole template into a text window, changed it to a blogger provided template (BO-RING!) and everything was still there. So I pasted my customized template back in, and bingo! Everything is back where it should be and all is well with the world again. I think my crazy pregancy hormones are telepathically affecting my blog. Ha ha!

Yes, Wendy, Monday was a lovely day! I took Brad to work, then went to pick up Becky at her house. Becky and Chris made a lovely french toast breakfast with sausage links. Yummy! Then the three of us went into town to Becky's doctor appointment. While I was waiting on Becky and Chris while they were back with the doctor, Misty came in. She used to work with Brad and Kasey at Goggin Warehouse... the job Brad started out with when we first moved to Nashville. She thought she knew me but wasn't sure. I'm surprised I remembered her name. I NEVER forget a face but I have a hard time remembering names. She remembered me and Brad once I told her who I was. She was excited to hear we're having a baby, but it was soooo funny. She said, "Brad a daddy.... OH boy, THAT'S gonna be something else!" She knows what a total goofball Brad is. She loved Brad to death but he can drive everyone a little batty at times. Ha ha! I told her that at least our child will be able to relate to his/her father, if only as a peer! She agreed!

After the doctor, we went to Prime Outlets mall in town, walked around Carter's, they had some really good sales. The cool thing is that I could get anything and not keep the receipt and exchange it at any Carter's in the country for up to a year. So I could get both girl and boy clothes and take back whatever I don't need in a couple months when we find out the baby's gender (yes, I MUST find out! I hope I don't have a modest child in my womb....). I may go back next week and get a few outfits.

We walked around a couple different places. Went to Dress Barn and mostly made fun of clothes and people who don't know how to clothe themselves. (Chris!! lol)

Went to KB Toy store and looked at cool stuff. Becky found a totally awesome Care Bear laundry basket-y type thing. Cute! Then we were looking at toy food and saw a Pizza Hut play set and made Becky want pizza. I was already thinking about pizza, so we decided to go to Painturo's Pizza for lunch. Boy that place is cool. Yummy breadsticks, yummy pizza, even though for some weird reason they cut it into little diamond shapes. But it was cool because it made Becky happy inside to be eating cute little pieces of pizza. So it was worth it. :-) The atmosphere and decor there is really nice too. It's one of me and Brad's favorite spots in town.

Then we went to Hickory Hollow to go to the JoAnn's there that is selling EVERYTHING because they are moving to the new humongous-ical (that's my word) JoAnn's superstore in Mt. Juliet. All the fabric was 60% off. Awesomeness! I got some purple velour/corduroy type fabric to make a nice winter maternity dress with. I just have to find the pattern I want... then some cool lightweight knit to make some baby boy sleepers and stuff with, and a pretty cotton print to make a summery baby dress with. I have to sew for both boy and girl right now, but I'll tell you right now it's a whole lot easier and more fun to sew for girls. :-)

We saw Rose in JoAnn's too. That was funny. :-)

I was casually saying that we had to get Brad at 4:45, and then Becky looks at her watch and says, "Uh, it's 4:37!" or something like that. So we got our material (Becky got some cool stuff too!) and headed out of there. Becky was amused at me trying to hit the high notes on Bryan McKnight's "Back at One"... ok, so I wasn't really trying. I was just being goofy and it sounded horrible, but I was in a goofy mood and it was funny. :-)

We picked up Brad (who wasn't mad at all that we were a half hour late... he's so sweet!) then dropped Becky off and then took Chris back to town to his friend's house. Brad & Chris talked about bass guitars and drums all the way back to town. It was funny. :-)

Then I gave Brad leftover pizza for dinner and he will love me forever now 'cause it was really good pizza. Ham & pineapple and bacon, in all it's cheesy, greasy, ooey-gooey loveliness. Yumm....

Then I talked to my dear Mama on the phone. My sister Bekah Anne got a humongous-ical splinter in her finger Sunday night and had to go the to ER to have it removed. Yikes! I hate to hear about things like that 'cause I wish I was there with her for it. I was with her when she broke her arm through all the x-rays and everything... she's so brave. Poor baby girl. Hard to believe she'll be 13 in December! Where does the time go!!!!

So yeah, anyway, that was my Monday. :-)

Monday, June 26, 2006

A New Week

Thank you to everyone who has assured me (and mostly my husband) that all my nonsense, is, indeed, normal. I think if I could just get it ALL the housework done once and for all then I could keep up with it. Hopefully that will be our (notice I said "our") project this weekend.

As for today, I'm gonna drop Brad off at work and then go pick up Becky so we can go to her doctor's appointment and then hang out. YAY! I feel kinda guilty to be goofing off today after yesterday's fiasco, but then again, after yesterday's fiasco I need some "ME" time to calm me down. And I need out of this house!

Oh, and yesterday Brad upon finding out that there was no church when he arrived in Antioch, went and hung out and read at the lake, and then wandered around the mall a bit before coming home instead of going out to eat so I wouldn't be worried about him being out so late. When he walked in the door I was on the phone with Becky and I had just told her that I didn't know where Brad was because there wasn't any church last night. So he walks in and I say, "How was church?" "There wasn't any...." Becky and I crack up. "You knew? Did you think I would fib?"

"No," I say. "I knew you wouldn't fib. But it's just good to have a test once in a while." :-)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Last Night's Photo Shoot

Brad and I went yesterday evening to an old train depot in town to do a "photo shoot" of sorts. Here's one of my favorites.

I think with a better camera and some training and practice, I could be pretty good.

Whatcha think?

Emotional Wreckage

It's been one of those days. Woke up early feeling sick 'cause the air conditioner was off and it was too warm in here. This is the replacement one the landlord brought us since ours is on the fritz. I turned it back on and then laid down on the couch knowing it would get cool in there faster than in the bedroom.

I had wanted to get up early so I could shred the barbeque chicken in the crockpot and frost my lemon cake for the picnic at church today. Brad and I finally got up after nine, we have to leave at 9:30 in order to be on time for Sunday School. I frosted my cake, but in the process clumsly me made the thing fall off the table. I managed to catch it before it hit the floor... but with my bare hand right on top of that pretty cake! So yeah, no one is going to be eating that cake but Brad & I!

I started shredding the chicken... it turned out really good. But by this time Brad had been dragging his feet and was irritated that I wasn't ready to go yet... I was upset already that the cake was ruined.... Sigh. Big emotional morning. I cried and cried. We made up eventually but we ended up not going to church this morning. I had really wanted to go! The picnic was gonna be awesome, Wendy was gonna be there, Brad invited Connie to come... But I was just in no position to go anywhere. Things like this really affect me lately. I was shaky and couldn't catch my breath all afternoon. I just didn't feel right. Brad could have went on ahead and made it for the picnic, but he wanted to stay with me since I was feeling so weird. He's so sweet to me with things like this.

I went and took a nap around 3:30, still feeling weird. Brad went on to church while I was sleeping, I woke up a little while ago. Still tired, still weird, but I guess not as much.

I feel bad because the whole reason I was gonna stay home was to be able to run this house like it needs to be run. And I just haven't been able to. Either I'm sick to my stomach, or extremely tired, or extremely emotional. The days I do feel okay I can only do so much. It never seems to look any better because there's ALWAYS more dishes to wash, ALWAYS more laundry to do. And no matter how I feel in the mornings, come 3 o'clock everyday I'm shot and ready for a nap. Any energy I might have had just goes out the window. It's done nothing to encourage Brad that this is better for our family (other than the fact that we don't fight on a daily basis every day... Hey! That's a plus! We just make up for it once a week! But we do always make up quickly).

I just keep telling myself, this too shall pass, this too shall pass...

Could some one who is a mother please encourage Brad that this too shall pass? I'm doing the best I can. But sometimes it seems like there is no end in sight.

I could really use some of the fudge pie I was SUPPOSED to get from Wendy had I been there for the picnic...

Wait! I have cheesecake in the fridge! It's the really soft cheesecake-in-a-containter from the deli section of Wal-Mart, but hey, cheesecake is cheesecake.

Good grief. I'm so pregnant.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Hey y'all. I'm working (finally!) on revamping my blog, so please be patient with me while I work out all the bugs. Let me know if there's anything I need to fix.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Beat Goes On

Our second visit to the doctor. They said I was a bit dehydrated 'cause I had ketones in my urine. I have to watch that and make sure I drink more.

The doc was nice... but I felt rushed. She wasn't in there 5 minutes I bet. Sigh. I asked her about the sharp pains when I roll over from side to side or move a certain way, and she said it's the ligaments that support the uterus stretching... I just have to lay on the side that is hurting so that it can rest. The only problem is that if I roll over so that the side that hurts can rest, it will pull the OTHER side and then they BOTH will hurt! Duh!

But before the doc got in there, the nurse brought out the doppler. First we heard my heart beat... looked around a bit more... my heart beat again.... then... another beat! A quieter, faster one!!

The most beautiful sound on earth. One hundred sixty-six beats a minute. I'm glad Brad was there for it. He could totally tell the difference when we went from my heartbeat to the baby's. I was afraid that the significance of it all would be kinda lost on him and it wouldn't seem real to him, but it was! It was so nice to hear it and look at him across the room. Our baby.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Not a supermodel, but that's ok.

As my tummy is growing with this baby, it's easy to feel unpretty. But really, it's a beauty all it's own. It's a beautiful miracle that God has given me to be able to experience this. I heard someone say that this is the only time I get to assist God in a miracle. So, I'll enjoy every moment.

My favorite song right now. (Except for the "paint my toes" part. I don't do that.)


Video by India Arie

Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don't
Sometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won't
Depend on how the wind blows I might even paint my toes
It really just depends on whatever feels good in my soul

I'm not the average girl from your video
and I ain't built like a supermodel
But, I learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a queen
I'm not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I'm wearing I will always be the india arie

When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me
Every freckle on my face is where it's supposed to be
And I know our creator didn't make no mistakes on me
My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes; I'm lovin' what I see

I'm not the average girl from your video
and I ain't built like a supermodel
But, I learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a queen
I'm not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I'm wearing I will always be the
india arie

Am I less of a lady if I don't wear pantyhose?
My mama said a lady ain't what she wears but, what she knows
But, I've drawn a conclusion, it's all an illusion, confusion's the name of the
A misconception, a vast deception
Something's gotta change
Don't be offended this is all my opinion
Ain't nothing that I'm sayin law
This is a true confession of a life learned lesson I was sent here to share with
So get in where you fit in go on and shine
Clear your mind, now's the time
Put your salt on the shelf
Go on and love yourself
'Cuz everything's gonna be all right

I'm not the average girl from your video
and I ain't built like a supermodel
But, I Learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a queen
I'm not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I'm wearing I will always be the india arie

Keep your fancy drinks and your expensive minks
I don't need that to have a good time
Keep your expensive car and your caviar
All I need is my guitar
Keep your Kristal and your pistol
I'd rather have a pretty piece of crystal
Don't need your silicone I prefer my own
What God gave me is just fine

I'm not the average girl from your video
and I ain't built like a supermodel
But, I learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a queen
I'm not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I'm wearing I will always be india arie

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Well, it's been 4 days since I've posted last, but oh well. It's just been one of those weeks so far. Good, bad, good, bad. Didn't get to hang out with Becky on Tuesday 'cause it was a yucky day. :-( I was really bummed because I NEVER get to hang out with people. Becky actually ASKED if she could come over. You mean people actually love me and want to be around me besides Brad???

Wednesday was off and on yuckiness. Played Runescape with Becky online for awhile. That was fun. Got some laundry done.

Went to church. Wow it has been really great there lately! Everyone is turning their faces more and more towards God and you can feel that in the services. It started out feeling like "The Beverly and Peggy Variety Show" but it ended up being one of the most encouraging services I've been in. :-)

Today I took Brad to work so that I could have the car to go grocery shopping. Our cupboards were about bare! Well, we had odds and ends, but needed stuff to actually put with it. Ask Brad, I can make a meal out of anything, so you know that if I say I need to go shopping, I REALLY need to go shopping!

I didn't get much sleep last night, so when I came home I was extremely sleepy so I laid down and rested awhile. Then I checked my Myspace and changed the layout (Not sure quite what I think of Myspace yet. I like the idea of it but I can't stand the ads with all the girls). Kasey called and asked me out to lunch. YAY!!! Someone ELSE who actually wants to hang out with me!!! I felt so loved. We went to the Chinese Buffet joint. It was great. Stayed away from anything weird and had fried rice, General Tso's chicken, Crab Ragoon (however its spelled), and dessert. It was really good food and good company. Thanks Kasey! We've gotta do it again sometime.

Then I went grocery shopping. YAY! I can actually cook decent meals now that I'm home. I've gotta go pick up hubby now so I can get back home and do just that. :-)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Monday
(la la, la la la la *in Mama's and Papa's voice*)

I'm craving chocolate, in case no one can tell. I have cheap chocolate filled cigar-lookin' Pirouelle type thingys from Aldi, but they just don't cut it.

I had a really good day! Rose picked me up after her doctor's appointment, and we went to Cozumel's for lunch. That was yummy, though I could only eat less than half of it. We had a pretty good talk. Then we stopped off at the house to put my leftovers in the fridge and we took off for Rivergate Mall.

I've never been there, and I really like it! Doesn't feel crowded or over run with garbage like a lot of malls. We had a fun time just window shopping. Looked at Motherhood Maternity, and they had some nice sales. I may go back next week just for a couple things. After looking everything over though I really think that I could sew a lot nicer things much more inexpensively. That is SUCH A BLESSING that I hadn't thought of. I actually have time to sew now! I will probably buy just a few nice things for church and such. Right now I just need some summery things to get me through until the fall when I'll REALLY need maternity stuff.

Yankee Candle there is selling pretty much the whole store at a steal... even the props! It was hilarous. Anyway, spent $5 on 5 votives and two nice smelly sachets. I LOVE candles!

Then she took me home. It was good to hang out, we haven't been able to do that in FOREVER it seems like.

I put away laundry and threw a ton of junk away and straightened up some stuff... Then Brad came home and he had my leftover Cozumel's and I had a bowl of cereal while we watched Little House. I promise, EVERY SINGLE episode makes me cry.

We're gonna go run to the post office to mail some stuff we sold on Ebay, and then to bed. I'd better get to bed early 'cause Becky is coming over tomorrow, and I CAN'T let anyone see the house like this! I've got some work to do! :-)

Later y'all.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

My thoughts this morning

Feeling yucky.

Felt yucky yesterday morning too. Thanks everyone for the suggestions but nothing seems to help. Just gotta wait it out.

It's getting better though.

But I'm sad. I'm sad when my friends are sad.

I quit my job Thursday (not Wednesday like I said, Becky. My brain was fried). I just couldn't handle the stress of it all anymore. I really don't like not doing things in a professional manner but I just couldn't take one more day. I was crying when we got to the parking lot, and I wrote a letter letting them know that I enjoyed working there but I had to do what was best for my family. Brad took it inside with him and I went home.

I was feeling like that everyday. So finally I'm like, You know what? I don't need this! The baby doesn't need this! Our marriage doesn't need this! I need to be HOME!

I'm relieved. Next week is get this stupid house in order week. Major nesting instinct is kicking in and it has drove me crazy 'cause I'm ALWAYS tired from working so I have no energy to do anything. Add to that being sick and it just makes everything miserable for everyone.

I'm excited too cause our finances are looking up. Now I actually have time to do a budget, even without my income we're gonna do great. Thank you Jesus! He knows how much help we have needed in that area. Maybe we'll actually gain some financial respect.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Pondersome thing

This is the cover of the lastest issue of Tennessee magazine, the lovely little publication of the Electric Company type peoples.

It brings to my mind just one question, and one question only:

Does the Chicken have large talons?

Our Anniversary, Final Chapter for this year

And then we got home to finally discover the SECRET that had been TORMENTING us ever since Wendy opened her big mouth. LOL

WOW!!!! Do I have the BEST MAMA or what? To all of those who don't know, my Mama made us the sweetest Wedding Anniversary website, complete with wedding pictures, poems, and a guestbook for people to sign and wish us a happy anniversary. My Lil' Sis even made us a page ALL BY HERSELF, with a poem that came from her own pen just for us! It made me cry. And then I read all of the sweet things everyone had to say, and I cried harder.

Thank you SO MUCH my dear family for so much hard work and all the love that is behind the work and all of your sweet words. Thank you friends for thinking of us! Thank you Wendy for coming to my Mom's rescue and getting the word out!

Here's the link, in case someone missed it; Check out the pictures! Boy are some of those OLD!

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Our Anniversary, Part Four

I'm sitting here eating my wonderful white chocolate M & M's that my wonderful Mama told me about! They so totally rock! And I so totally need to finish blogging about our anniversary before I forget stuff.

After the zoo we went to church and I got to visit with Wendy in the parking lot. She gave us lots of cool baby stuff! I'm so excited. Somehow it starts to seem more real when I have baby stuff sitting around the house. :-)

I was asking Wendy if she had a scanner 'cause I really wanted to put wedding pictures on my blog for our anniversary. She says, "Uh, no, I just take a picture of the picture... have you not been online yet today?" I'm like, no, I haven't been home all day.... She got me really freaked out cause all she would tell me is that my Mom did something online, and it was a really big deal, and there's all kind of stuff. I'm thinking, oh no what kind of scandal is going on in with my family in blogland? Told Wendy that thanks to her I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the service at all! She said, no it's good, really, but let's just say it's growing by the hour! Oh boy.

Sitting in church before service, Sis. Leslie says, I signed your web site thing! I'm like, Oh cool! And I start talking about how I want to know who is reading my blog, I obviously don't care too much 'cause I'm putting it online for the whole world to see, but I still like to know who's reading. She's like, Wait, WHAT are you talking about? I'm like, wait, what are YOU talking about? She's like, oh no, I spoiled the surprise. I'm like, what is it?? She's like, well, it's one of your parents put a bunch of pictures of you online and stuff and I probably wasn't supposed to say anything.

Service was really really good. I can't help being amused at Bro. Shaw though. Boy does Megan take after him. He has so much enthusiasm. He had to have said, "I've gone on too long, I'm going to wrap this up in 10 or 15 min." about 4 different times. :-) Oh, but the best part was when he inadvertently used Napoleon Dynamite lines. "In the body of Christ, we all have great skills." And then, "If you support the outreach program, all of your wildest dreams will come true." I even told him that one afterwards, in my best Pedro Voice. You should have seen his face. It was hilarious. :-)

Then walking out the door after service, Sis. Peggy says, I signed your website! I'm like, thank you.... not wanting to get into THAT again (But you know, I can't find her on there...).

So while I really couldn't wait to get home to find out what all the commotion was about, I was EXTREMELY starving so we decided to go through the Dairy Queen Drive Thru. We were patiently waiting our turn at the menu board, when who should suddenly appear, plastering herself with much force against the side of our car, but Kasey! She and Damon were two cars behind us. She walked back to her car, but not before I rolled down my window and yelled, "Hey Kasey! You need to eat a decroded piece of junk!" She yelled back, "Get off my property!" (All of which is more intelligent Napoleon Dynamite lines). Between the smashing of the side of my car by a pedestrian, and the yelled insults, I think we seriously scared the people behind us. They obviously haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite.

So we parked beside each other and ate our Dairy Queen. It was fun! I don't get to spend enough time around people so it was a blast, even if we were extremely goofy and Kasey grossed me out more than once. Good thing I kind of know to expect it now. :-)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Our Anniversary, Part Three

Last year when we were at the zoo for our anniversary, Brad got me the cutest little stuffed white tiger cub. So this year, he got me the cutest little stuffed baby giraffe.

I named him Joshua. Not after my brother, but the Raffi song. Does anyone know it? "Joshua Giraffe... He's trapped in a zoo, with Buffalo POOO...." I just couldn't resist. I was thinking though that now Josh is trapped in Iraq with camel poo. Nothing can go wrong-go, though, even if he's not in the Congo...

Sorry, momentary interlude of foolishness there. Anyhow, isn't little Joshua Giraffe adorable?

Our Anniversary, Part Two

After work we decided to head to the Nashville Zoo. It's a tradition. Every anniversary we have to go to some zoo, somewhere. On our honeymoon we went the the Little Rock Arkansas Zoo, on our first anniversary we went to the Knoxville Zoo, and for our second we went the the Nashville Zoo. We only had an hour until it closed, but we had a great time!

The Hyacinth Macaws at the entrance... I love their coloring!

We got to see our favorites! The giraffes and the elephants. YAY they have giraffes now!

The walk up to where the elephants and giraffes are is imprinted with all kinds of animal tracks. I like the ones that look like a racoon or something. Maybe someone with more knowledge of such things could correct me.

Follow Me...

This "little" guy was so cute! He just kept looking at Brad. It was so sad though. He was trying to reach a vine on the tree that was just out of his reach. They have some kind of mesh covering the lower half of the trunks, I'm assuming so they won't totally destroy the trees. But they are too little for them to put their feet on to get higher, so they can't reach a thing on those trees! He would try and try, and then hang his head down. He looked so depressed. They definitely need more space and lots more FOIL-AGE (yes, I know that's not how its pronounced but I say it that way anyway 'cause it annoys Brad!).

This is Hadari. She was really close and it was fun watching her eat. But it seemed like she was kind of favoring one of her back legs. Goodness, can't they take care of these animals properly?!?

We had a lot of fun, as I'm sure you can tell from these pictures:

Brad is such a goofball. But that's why I love him. :-)

Our Anniversary, Part One

Hey Everyone! It's a better day today. Seems like it's every other day. Oh well.

But I have to tell everyone about the wonderful anniversary we had!!

When I got out of the shower Wednesday morning Brad had roses and a card for me! The most BEE-YOO-TIFUL roses I have ever seen! Don't y'all think so too?
I've never seen roses with that coloring before! I LOVE roses, but almost everyone does. So I like roses that are out of the ordinary. Like an interesting shade of pink, but my favorites have been Peace roses, we some of those by our porch growing up in town. They are yellow with pink edges on the petals. I've never seen anything like this though!

My hubby's so sweet. :-) Well I couldn't just leave them at home where I couldn't enjoy them all day so I hurriedly cut the ends off so they would fit in a vase I could take with me. Everyone at work was insanely jealous, and Brad was thoroughly proud of himself. That's Brad.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well it has been a horrid day. Dry heaves all morning. Stayed home from work and was miserable.

Felt better this afternoon some and worked on the checkbook and looked for cabins in Gatlinburg for this weekend (provided I'm not heaving then). Tomorrow is our third anniversary and I'd really like to feel okay for this. Anyone know if you can make a jacuzzi or hot tub have only slightly warm water? Can't sit in it like regular 'cause of the baby.

The Nashville Symphony is performing tonight on the lawn of Cumberland University for $5 a person. I really don't want to go but I'm hoping it will be relaxing once I get there. We'll see. I've been cooped up all day and miserable with NO ONE to talk to. Becky was online but I didn't feel like talking online for some reason. Weird. I'm just weird today.