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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

This is us being cuddly- Uh oh! PDA Alert!

This is me and my honey about a month ago. Megan took it while we were having a late night at IHOP. I love that place. And I love my honey.

Sleepy but Happy

How cool is this! I'm a blogger!!! Three blogs in three days!

I LOVE seeing some of my favorite people commenting on my site! How cool is that when I didn't even advertise! My Mama, Megan, Micah, and Kasey too!

Now if I can just get my darling husband to start HIS blog then we will be one big happy blogging family. Mama, you need to get yours going too! I love your username. :-)

I am so totally sleepy and I've been married to this computer for the past two days so I'm going to go sleep with my husband for once. :-)

Love to the world.... aren't you glad you're a part of mine....

Monday, November 28, 2005

Late Night Ponderings

Yes, I know.... It's late. I should be in bed. But I just had to post again. Can it be that I'm getting addicted already? Maybe. But I'm really enjoying this.

I just spent the past hour reading e-mails from old friends, and reading their blogs... And thinking about the things that have come between us in recent years. Some good, some bad....

This is where we all are now. We can't change the past, and we can't know the future. All we can do is use what "now" we have to impact the "later" and make up for some of the bad in the "back when".

But really, when we come down to it, it has been both the good and the bad that has shaped us into what we are now. So has the bad really been all that bad? Where would we be - WHO would we be- without it?

I'm tired and I can't think totally straight right now. But I DO know this: I am so thankful to Jesus for how He has kept His hand on me through everything. I'm so glad for the people that He's put in my path to help me along and to teach me. I'm thankful for the friends that have seen me at some point in time at my goofiest, my saddest, and my happiest. And have, even now, after all that has happened, haven't forgotten me. And for the new friends who are still getting to know me. Thanks for sticking in there.

And I'm thankful for my family. How I pray for you all.

We had a good time this evening after work.... Megan went with us to the Mall in Murfreesboro. I bought some soap on sale at Bath & Body Works (HOW did I ever live without that place? I remember going over to the Plumlee's house and being so jealous... with 5 girls they had every scent they ever put out, I do believe!) and we went out to eat at Applebee's.

Food was lousy except for the mashed potatoes. My taste buds have been weird lately. Oh well. But we had a wonderful conversation, reminiscing about how Brad & I met and fell in love.... I'll have to post our story on here sometime. Then after we left Meg we went to the Christian bookstore and I got Bekah's birthday present. She'll be 12 on the 2nd. Wow. How time does fly! I'm excited about her present but I'll have to wait to post about it until she gets it, in case she reads this!!

Well, you all can probably tell that I am going to have a VERY hard time keeping my posts short and sweet (like me!) :-)

Thanks for coming along for the ride though!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A New Chapter is Begun.....

Hello again, cyberworld!

It has been almost a three year hiatus that I've had from having internet access. From having a computer at all...well, what anyone else would call a computer, anyway.

Wow. How things do change. I don't even know if "cyberworld" is a correct term anymore. Probably by now it is the equivalent of saying "groovy"! Oh well. I'll learn.

I'm so excited! I can finally connect with the outside world again! I'm terrible at writing letters, and I don't really talk on the phone, but maybe this way I can keep in touch with everyone.

I'm reminiscing about so many things today....... Maybe I'll post about them later. For now, I'll just leave these words of this song..... It fits my mood and sentiment right now.....

Hello old friends
There's really nothing new to say
But the old, old story bears repeating
And the plain old truth grows dearer every day
When you find something worth believing
Well, that's a joy that nothin' could take away

And so we meet again
After all these many years
Did we sow the seeds we're reaping
Now that the harvest calls us here
It seems that love blooms out of season
And much joy can blossom from many tears

So old friends you must forget what you had to forgive
And let love be stronger than the feelings
That rage and run beneath the bridge
Knowin' morning follows evening
Makes each new day come as a gift

~"Hello Old Friends" - Rich Mullins