Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"Nice to meet you, Hank!"

It's Punky Brewster!!! I had Punky Brewster shoes when I was.... how old Mom? I was little, but I remember them. :-)

What a blast from the past! And so loveable. ENJOY!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Stupid site...

Blogger FORCED me to switch to the new version. And now my comments are all messed up. If anyone CAN'T comment, please e-mail me and let me know. Sorry for the inconvenience!

This blog has become my Mommy journal...

Sara is doing so great! We were in the Antioch/Smyrna area all day yesterday. She does so well when we go places. She is such a good baby! She seldom cries just to cry. She cries when there is something wrong, and then when it's taken care of, she's ok again. Though she might fuss at you for a few minutes just to remind you that she's still kind of mad you for it.

She HATES having a wet/dirty diaper! But she HATES being changed even worse! That's when she yells the most. She screams like you're killing her! I try to warm up the wipes in my hand... but it's seldom good enough. I thought that wipe warmers were silly when you can just warm them in your hands... but we are SO getting one!

She smiled a couple little smiles at me today during feeding time. She just melts my heart.

I've discovered that when you become a parent, you automatically start referring to yourself as "Mama". As in, "Daddy, will you hold this potato, Mama has to go potty, yes she does (in baby talk)!" I love it!!

I was reading a book on Baby Sign Language yesterday, while in Target (I've discovered that Target has the cheapest diapers at $5.74 for 40... whodduthunkit?). You don't teach them the alphabet or anything like that, just talk baby talk in sign language. You talk at the same time so they associate the sign with the word. For instance, I'd say "Does Sara need a diaper change?" while making the sign for "diaper" and "change". It would allow her to communicate with us much sooner. The ideal time to start teaching her is 6 months, but if we started now, she could be signing back to us when she's 6 months old. Can you believe that??? The lady that wrote the book was talking about how her 8 month saw a newborn baby, and her daughter, with a worried look on her face, made the sign for "chick" and for "egg", then "baby". She was wondering if the baby came out of her mama the same way the chick came out of the egg! Then she was afraid of elephants, and didn't want to go to sleep one night. When asked what was wrong, she made the sign for "elephant" and "outside". She thought the car horns she was hearing outside were elephants! She would NEVER have been able to have these conversations with her daughter at that age under normal circumstances! But it is supposed to encourage them to talk sooner too, because they are observing like normal, but they are also interacting much more, so it accelerates their speech. I think this is going to be AWESOME!!

I'll leave with a picture of Sara (think I'm capable of making a post without one? No way!).

Ok, maybe a couple. :-)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

First Smiles!!

Last night, about 11:30 p.m., Mama was talking to her and she just burst out in smiles! It was sooo precious! Daddy was already sleeping but Mama got pictures and Daddy got to see the real thing this morning!

Friday, January 26, 2007



Sara's First Tub Bath

I am LOVING being a Mama!! I love taking care of her. I love changing her diapers because she can't STAND being dirty. She will be easy to potty train if she keeps this up! I love doing all the things for her that she can't do for herself. It gives me a deep satisfaction.

I don't like it when I can't figure out what's wrong. Doesn't happen much though, thankfully.

I love it when she is changed and fed and just lays there looking at you and at things around the room in her calm peaceful way. She just takes everything in. I would love to know what goes on in her little mind!

She loves it when Daddy comes home from work. She will lay in his arms and just swing her little hands around and look at him for forever.

She tries to crawl when you put her on her tummy. She has had her little rear end up off the bed already! She will be scooting around before we know it! When she is laying on our chests, she will get a foothold in our bellybuttons and push like she is rock climbing! Cute!

It is tough learning how to get anything done. She can't stand being alone (can't blame her, who does?). She likes her sling but it is awkward because she is too little for it and I have to prop her up with a huge towel which makes it bulky. We have another carrier but it is kind of awkward too. I finally got the swing set up yesterday, and she liked being in there last night while I got some dishes done (wahoo!) and dinner made. So things ought to improve now. It's not always easy being a parent, but I'm loving every minute. Pretty soon she'll be talking and I'll be longing for the days I couldn't get anything done!

I ran to the store by myself on Monday (first time driving since before the delivery) and it was TERRIBLE! I kept hearing her cry. She was ok, I'm glad that Brad is such a great father, I didn't have to be worried about her, but I DID worry about her because I'm a Mama and that's just the way it is. It was our first time ever to be separated and Mama was a wreck! I have never been in such a hurry to get out of Wal-Mart before (Brad's prayers are answered! LOL!)!

Hope to have pictures of her dedication pretty soon. It was sooo special, but I will blog about that when I have pictures.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sara Beth... Can't take enough pictures!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Quick Update

Sara's umbilical cord fell off last night on her two-week birthday!

Had a good report at the pediatrician yesterday. She's still gaining and looking good!

My OB says my incision is healing nicely. I haven't had to take any pain meds today at all, thankfully. I don't like taking that stuff.

Sara's Early Days

Sara's Birth Day

Monday, January 08, 2007

More Sara

Sara Elizabeth Riddell was delivered by c-section on December 28, 2006, at 2:42 p.m. She weighed 6 lbs, 6 oz., and was 19 1/2 in. long. She is GORGEOUS and after a rough week, she is doing wonderfully!

Enjoy these pictures, I'll add comments later so come back and check these posts again!

She is SOOO strong even though she's so little! From day one she was able to hold her head up on her own. Not for long, but she does. She will be laying on my shoulder, my hand on the back of her head, and she will forcefully push back against my hand so that she can hold her head up and look around. AMAZING!

Arriving home from the hospital the first time around.

Sara's Birth Day