Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sooner Than We Expected!!

Went to the doctor today for another ultrasound. She is still breech and the doctor really doesn't think she is going to turn at this point. There is a chance of course, but we could only wait one more week before we do a c-section anyway, and I could go into spontaneous labor before then and have to do a c-section... So, we decided that since Brad has a three-day weekend this weekend, we would like to do this on Friday, that way Brad misses less work, is able to spend more time with the baby and I while I recover (at least get started recovering), and just less stress on him and me. I'd rather do a c-section this way if I'm going to have one at all. So the doctor said ok, and called to check the OR schedule. Turns out that they are booked solid Friday, and they have an opening tomorrow, Thursday, at noon, otherwise we can't schedule into the OR until next Friday.

SO..... We are having this baby at noon tomorrow!! Well, noon today now. I have to be at the hospital at 10 am. I got about 3 hrs sleep and woke up wired. I have tons to do and no time to do it in! Oh well.

Our poor parents... everyone is rushing out the door ASAP with an 8 hr drive ahead of them... Mom, Dad, Matthew, Bekah, and Isaiah left at midnight, and Jeff & Julie are going to try to leave at 4 am. PLEASE pray that nothing delays either of them and no one will miss anything.

I can hardly believe that I will only be pregnant for a few more hours. That's kind of sad, because I really have enjoyed being pregnant. But soon I will get to meet my little girl face to face. I can't wait to share that moment with Brad. I'm so glad for epidurals that I don't have to be knocked out cold for this! I can't wait to see Brad holding his daughter. A little bit of me and and a little bit of him and a whole lot of love, all wrapped up in a little bundle sent to us from Jesus.

The ultrasound lady today said that she has a lot of hair. I can't wait to find out if it's dark or blonde!

We have an official name now... but I will wait and let Brad reveal that when he makes the birth announcement. :-)

So please be praying for all of us tomorrow. Most importantly the baby and I need the surgery to go smoothly and everyone come away healthy. Brad needs strength to be able to go through this with me (he'll do great, I know!), and our families need to be there and not stressed out in the process.

My family is having van problems and need God to keep it running so they can get here and back! Julie is not feeling well and needs God to touch her body so that she can have a good trip and feel good while she's here.

I'll be in the hospital until Sunday.

Only 8 more hours and 8 minutes!!!! Sorry little ticker, you're being overridden? overrode? Whatever. :-)

The next thing you'll see here is baby pictures! YAY!!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Merry Wittle Christmas

At first we weren't going to do anything for Christmas, with the impending birth of the baby any day and us not being able to travel to be with anyone, and no one able to travel here to be with us(gotta save up travel time for the birth of the baby!). But we couldn't just be all by ourselves and not do ANYthing on Christmas, that's just depressing. So we decided to make dinner, though I didn't go all out like I normally would. But we had all of the important stuff, just not as much of it as I normally would do.

We had turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce and rolls. I made "green stuff," pumpkin roll, and caramel chocolate brownies for dessert. It was yummy!

But then we couldn't just NOT get each other something for Christmas. So Brad got me the "Cherish" preggo Willow Tree figurine I'd been wanting!!! Yay!! He said it was to commemorate our last Christmas without our little girl, or our first Christmas with her, depending on how you look at it. He also said that most girls dread being pregnant and can't wait for it to be over, but I've cherished every minute so it's appropriate for me. :-) He's so sweet.

And the SWEETEST card too!! That was Christmas enough in itself! 'Bout made me cry.

I got Brad a new watch (which he has desperately needed) and a new wallet.

We weren't going to decorate at all, just more to take down and do with the baby coming, but I woke up Christmas morning and I couldn't just NOT have ANY Christmas decorations.

So I took our big pillar unity candle from our wedding, wrapped it with the one strand of wire greenery garland I had, wrapped that with the one small strand of Christmas lights, and Brad put a yellow wire nut on the top and we taped a star cut from a yellow piece of paper to the wire nut. Of all the Charlie Brown Christmas trees in the world, ours is the Charlie Browniest, but it makes me happy and I giggle every time I look at our "tree". :-)

It was a good Christmas. We watched Christmas specials on youtube all day. I got to talk to MOST of my family but I had to get off the phone because contractions and the baby moving were wearing me out. So I missed Jon, Micah, and Dad. And Josh in Iraq. :-( He comes home in February so we will make up for it then!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Only Three Weeks to Go!!!

Megan took these for us Sunday... I was 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant.

I can't believe that we only have 3 weeks! It seemed like 9 months would be such a long time, but it has just flown by. I really have been blessed to have such an easy pregnancy. Even with being sick early on, it could have been SO much worse. The gestational diabetes scare has turned out to be not such a big deal after all. I have had a couple sleepless night, and a couple nights up with pretty bad heartburn. My hip joints get feeling pretty sore, I can tell everything is loosening up and getting ready for delivery! Over the weekend I think she turned. I usually feel her kick down low, and now I'm feeling her kick up high. I think she dropped today too, I'm feeling movement a LOT lower than I ever have before!! It's a freaky feeling!!!

I had to have Brad put my boots on me Sunday night for the first time. Usually I can maneuver if I work fast. But I just can't anymore. I get too squished!!

I am in love with coconut body butter on my tummy.

We think we have a name. We're 99.8% sure... I'll wait until we're 100% to reveal it to the whole world, though some know what we're thinking already.

Finding deals on ebay for baby stuff is my latest hobby. I got a gorgeous sheepskin (specially made and sanitized) for babies from Australia, normally $100 (even used ones), for $30. After researching baby slings I found that my FAVORITE was $45. I got one like new for $15.

We are almost set! I still have to get a baby bathtub, actually purchase the crib that the church gave us a gift card for, and I think I found a wardrobe that someone wants to give away. After that, we'll be good to go!

We go see the doctor on Thursday, I had to miss my appointment last week, so we'll see what she says. I'm having a lot more and stronger Braxton Hicks too, so I wonder if anything is changing?? We'll see!!!

Only THREE weeks!!! Yay!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Brad woke up sick Sunday morning. Not puking thankfully but running a fever and stuffed up and generally feeling pretty bad. We were supposed to help Sis. Shaw with the kids' Christmas party that morning so I hate we had to miss that. I was ready with my red cozy sweater I haven't had a chance to wear yet!

We were home all day Sunday except I made a trip to the store that evening.

Sunday night he ran a fever off and on and wasn't feeling much better so he stayed home from work to rest it off... it helped trememdously. I don't need him sick right now, though I hate he had to miss work. He was better by the afternoon and I went with him to his school. They ended up only having a two hour class so that was nice. It was good to be with him on his breaks too. I brought him Wendy's to eat for dinner on his first break.

We stopped by Walgreens on the way home for Puffs Plus with lotion and cold medicine... they are having a buy one get one free sale on their vitamins and supplements so I got echinacea and zinc, ended up being $5 a piece. Not bad. We are set for the rest of the cold/flu season now hopefully, maybe it won't hit us again after this! Brad found a cordless rechargable massager that will be perfect for bringing to the hospital, so that was nice. They say bring tennis balls so we'll do that too and see what works best.

I found a $5 bill in the parking lot and no one around to which it might belong, in the store either... so that was yayness. :-)

Monday night Brad slept peacefully for once in and I was up and wired, not to mention having bad heartburn, which has wonderfully kicked in now. I had a few "twinges" in my back Monday morning and they went away... Woke up 3 times Sunday night with harder Braxton Hicks... I'm keeping an eye on it. Not worried unless it keeps it up with the back stuff and gets harder and more frequent. I don't need to be going into labor right now!! But it hasn't done anything since then, so that's good.

Brad is better today and I'm so thankful. I'm keeping him pumped full of echinacea and zinc, poor guy!

Goodness, I'm wordy but I have to make up for lost time! And I still have TONS of stuff to blog about!